Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Let's Play Catch Up!

First off, I want to congratulate our cheerleaders for securing a first place win over the weekend! Beth and I are so proud of them! Their hard work and incredible spirit paid off in a big way:

This is my little cheerleader...                                  >>>>>>>>>
I think she was crossing her fingers for a win but it looks like she is throwing down some mad gang signs!

Beth (my bestie!) and me...First Place baby! YEAH!

And these are the people who help me through it all! My gorgeous husband, Tommy, my Mom & Dad, and of course...Makynzie!

Meanwhile, back at the shop...I actually had time to design another marketing set for my Etsy shop, it is called Blue Sunshine and I love it!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Where's Becky?

Halfway to crazy town, that's where! My apologies for neglecting my faithful fans. I have been busy with my daughter's cheerleading squad as we are preparing for the end of season competition this coming Saturday. I HAVE NOT ABANDONED YOU! I will return next week with my postings as well as some great pics of her competition (hopefully). It will be tough to get photos while I am coaching, but I hope my hubby will take on the task of "squad photographer" for me. ;)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day, I sure did! Tommy bought this sweet little Yorkie/Pom mix for me...yep, all 1.75 lbs of him is mine!

Well, mine and Makynzie's. She won't let him go! We have dubbed him Chewbacca and are calling him Chewy. Boy, does that name ever fit!

Friday, February 7, 2014

Fashion Friday: A rose by any other name....

Today, I want to share with you some silhouettes that will dominate the wedding scene this Spring.
  Roses by Reem Acra has an array of these "must have" dresses.

Feminine, romantic, delicate.
Inspired by the rose itself with it's soft yet striking beauty, this collection features sophisticated lines and intricate beading to compliment the array of fabrics used.
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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wedding Wednesday: PANTONE's Sand

Whether you are dreaming of a rustic wedding or an elegant event, Pantone's neutral shade of Sand will compliment your style!

Paired with creams, golds, or champagne, your wedding can be as elegant as you dare. But on the flip side, if a sweet country theme is what you wish for, pair it with a soft pastel like pink or peach.
 ©Save the Date Photography 2014

 ©Save the Date Photography 2014

 ©Save the Date Photography 2014

 ©Save the Date Photography 2014

 ©Save the Date Photography 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Creative Design Shop now open! 
I have opened my Etsy shop with a marketing set for photographers!
OK, I know a shop with one product is a sad start...but I had to start somewhere, right?
Check it out and let me know what you think, I am new to this so constructive criticism is welcomed and needed!
(click on the image to visit my Etsy Shop)

Friday, January 31, 2014

A challenge for the guys!

Reason #53,428,374,567 to use Pinterest:

Everyone knows that as a bride, planning a wedding is a daunting task that will test your wits and turn you into the star of a semi-reality series, but....what if you are the groom who is tackling this on his own?
Seems a bit....CRAZY, right?
Meet Mr. Crazy, AKA Ryan Leak and the extremely fortunate and equally stunning object of his affection, Amanda Roman.
Thanks to Amanda's Pinterest board and Ryan's extraordinary love for the woman in question, this bride had an unforgettable whirlwind wedding!

The bar has been set guys!

Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Too hot for you to handle?

This Wedding Wednesday is a HOT one! 

Despite the freezing temperatures and snowy white blanket outside my window, I feel toasty warm, thanks to Pantone's choice of 2014 shade, Cayenne:

Gorgeously rich and intensely deep, Cayenne is not for the timid or shy bride, this color will surely add all the warmth and passion you crave for your first day as husband and wife! 

Friday, January 24, 2014 I feel old!

No Fashion Friday today, folks. 
Today, I want to take the time to wish my baby boy a happy 18th birthday.
Between him and his brother, life has been interesting, to say the least!
He is a wonderfully loving, thoughtful, generous, smart and funny young man.
I am just the lucky mom who gets to claim him and love him.
Happy Birthday, Houston...
I love you.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Brighten your Special Day with Orange!

Who says Orange is a Fall color?

If you want bright pops of color, then incorporate these beautiful shades of Pantone's Celosia Orange.
From warm fiery hues to soft cool sherbert, this shade will surely put smiles on the faces of your guests.  
Add a bit more to your decor buy slipping in some unexpected citrus fruits or infuse your wedding cake
with flavors of tangerine. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Time for Show and Tell!

Oh, how we were blessed when our little Makynzie came into our lives! Now, don't get me wrong, ALL 4 of our children are a true blessing, but they are all but grown and only need us for money and occasionally food, lol. We love them all.
Makynzie was an unexpected and welcomed surprise to round out our blended family. She is my ray of sunshine each and every day and I know she is headed for greatness! (Spoken like a true mom, huh?)
Yesterday was picture day for the basketball players and cheerleaders. I couldn't take my own pictures behind the photographer for two reasons: 1. I am a coach and had to be IN the photos, and 2. I respect the photographer hired to do the job, as I know that this is how he is making a living and believe is NOT as profitable as most may think! So, after our photos were taken, I quietly took Makynzie into the hallway to snap a few with my gear. I wasn't happy with the majority of them, but I think these turned out quite well...

I love her eyes, they are so spirited and full of wonder. A perfect match for her personality!
Anyway, I had to share these. Be prepared for pictures of our other children!

Proud momma~ Becky

Friday, January 17, 2014

Shoes! Shoes! Shoes!

Something Blue...SHOES!

The next best thing to shopping for your dress are shoes! Every bride loves shoes and looks forward to flaunting her inner diva with a fabulous pair of shoes! 
Why not combine your fashion flair with a bit of tradition? Splash your kicks with a bit of blue to satisfy the "something blue".

The soles are a wonderfully unexpected place to flash color and designers are taking notice.
Can't find the shoe of your dreams with a blue sole? Get crafty and embellish them yourself with some glitzy initials or, like one of my brides, "I Do".
Another trend that is taking off is having all the single ladies sign your shoes.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Jason Voorhees vs. Happily Ever After?

Found this article, had to share! 

'Til death do they part: Couple announce their engagement with frighteningly hilarious Friday the 13th photo-shoot
Josh Morden and fiance Van Lawson have a love story straight off the silver screen. At least that's what their engagement photo shoot shows. 
The Canadian couple decided to shake up the traditional set of romantic pictures by adding a bit of humor and gore. 
Photographer Brandon Gray shot the photos in an idyllic country setting, showing the couple walking around holding hands, hugging and kissing. Signs advertising Camp Crystal Lake  are the only sign of what comes next. 
But after a few establishing shots, things take a turn for the worse when Friday the 13th killer Jason Voorhees appears sneaking up on the couple's picnic.
The the couple finally notice Jason, they run for their lives.  But Josh falters and is stabbed by Jason through the heart. 
Van hides in the bushes, but can't resist running back to check on her fiance. 
As she tries hopelessly to revive him, Jason takes her by surprise and stabs her too. The last set of images show the couple's lifeless bodies lying next to each other on the ground, with Van's engagement ring covered in blood.

The couple that jokes together, stays together: Van Lawson, left, and her fiance Josh Morden, right, decided to include Friday the 13th killer Jason Vorhees in their engagement photo shoot


Storybook romance: Josh and Van are pictured holding hands, hugging and kissing in a romantic pastoral setting 

Foreshadowing: A sign for Camp Crystal Lake is the only clue that all may not be well in this couple's paradise
In their own world: Josh and Van stare at each other while relaxing on a picnic blanket. But perhaps they should be paying attention to their surroundings
Run! Every horror movie has a moment right before the antagonists realize they are being stalked by the killer when the audience yells at the screen for them to get out while they can. This is that moment
Dream to nightmare: Josh and Van finally notice Jason and their happy photo shoot turns into a nightmare
Let's get out of here! The couple flee from a machete-wielding Jason. Will they make it out alive?
Taken by surprise: Josh looks almost too scared
to move in this shot taken from over Jason's shoulder


Not fast enough: Somehow Josh falters and loses pace with Van, quickly becoming prey for a blood-thirsty Jason who stabs him through the chest 

Hide! Van manages to momentarily evade Jason and runs for her life
Shh! Van hides in the brush and tries to silence her breathing while Jason searches for his next victim


 Bad decision: But like many a horror-film heroine before her, Van can't resist returning to the side of her love, hoping he'll be alive and she can save him. Unfortunately Jason finds her and kills her too
Endless love: Josh and Van 'die' side by side in one last embrace, their bodies covered in blood - including Van's engagement ring

Sequel? With such an action-packed engagement photo shoot, who knows what the couple will do for their actual wedding photos

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