Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Where's Becky?

Halfway to crazy town, that's where! My apologies for neglecting my faithful fans. I have been busy with my daughter's cheerleading squad as we are preparing for the end of season competition this coming Saturday. I HAVE NOT ABANDONED YOU! I will return next week with my postings as well as some great pics of her competition (hopefully). It will be tough to get photos while I am coaching, but I hope my hubby will take on the task of "squad photographer" for me. ;)
I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day, I sure did! Tommy bought this sweet little Yorkie/Pom mix for me...yep, all 1.75 lbs of him is mine!

Well, mine and Makynzie's. She won't let him go! We have dubbed him Chewbacca and are calling him Chewy. Boy, does that name ever fit!

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