Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Time for Show and Tell!

Oh, how we were blessed when our little Makynzie came into our lives! Now, don't get me wrong, ALL 4 of our children are a true blessing, but they are all but grown and only need us for money and occasionally food, lol. We love them all.
Makynzie was an unexpected and welcomed surprise to round out our blended family. She is my ray of sunshine each and every day and I know she is headed for greatness! (Spoken like a true mom, huh?)
Yesterday was picture day for the basketball players and cheerleaders. I couldn't take my own pictures behind the photographer for two reasons: 1. I am a coach and had to be IN the photos, and 2. I respect the photographer hired to do the job, as I know that this is how he is making a living and believe me....it is NOT as profitable as most may think! So, after our photos were taken, I quietly took Makynzie into the hallway to snap a few with my gear. I wasn't happy with the majority of them, but I think these turned out quite well...

I love her eyes, they are so spirited and full of wonder. A perfect match for her personality!
Anyway, I had to share these. Be prepared for pictures of our other children!

Proud momma~ Becky

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