Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas!

Yay! Christmas morning started around 4:30am at the Artrip house this morning! Makynzie was wide awake and ready to go...we, on the other hand, were not. We gathered ourselves and stumbled out to the living room and the first thing she noticed? Santa didn't eat all of his cookies!
I had to explain to her that Santa probably had cookies at every house and was no doubt full, so he only ate 2 1/2 of ours. She was satisfied with that answer. She then commenced with the destruction. I wasn't able to get really great pictures this morning, I was too busy enjoying the smiles she gave us as she ripped through each lovingly wrapped gift, but I did snap a few here and there.
She of course had her favorites: the Easy Bake Oven from Mamaw...first results were less than appetizing but we are hoping for a better outcome soon...
The Lala Loopsies, the legos, and the Spirograph (ahhhh, memories)....
But the hum-dinger was the Glitzy Globes! Santa was THE MAN!
Now for a much needed nap before we head to my parent's aka Granny and Pawpaw's for dinner and more carnage with the rest of our brood.
Here's wishing you happiness, health, and love...Merry Christmas from, the Artrip clan.
Tommy, Becky, Matthew, Houston, Abigail, and Makynzie

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