Friday, December 20, 2013

Fashion Friday!

One of my goals for the upcoming year is to post something useful pertaining to photography every weekday. Some will be written by me, some will have ideas pulled together from other authors, and some will be shared in their entirety from other blogs. Every Friday will be "FASHION FRIDAY" to give you ideas on what to wear to your photo session!

This is a favorite article that I found....I hope it helps! ~Becky

As Christmas card season approaches us that means family photography sessions are in full swing. Today I thought I would share some great fashion looks for the whole family to help give you some ideas as you prepare your families picture perfect wardrobe.

Some helpful tips when looking for fashion for the whole family:

1. Never, I repeat NEVER wear the same color shirts. That includes black, white, or whatever color you think will look cool...cause it won't!

2. If you need help coordinating what colors would look great together an old stand by is to look at a color wheel. Picking colors that are opposite of each other on the color wheel is the easiest way to pick two colors to focus on as your accent colors. Then just add simple pieces with those bright and bold colors.

3. Be comfortable! If you wouldn't normally wear it, don't buy it! For example...I don't normally wear dresses or skirts, I'm just not comfortable in them. So I usually wear jeans and try to dress it up with a cute top. I'm not typically a very "dressed" up kind of person, so my look usually consists of cardigans, etc... The family photograph reflects you, and you should look like you!

4. If you are a picky person you may want to consider coordinating your fashion around the color scheme of your home. They pictures will hang proudly through out your house, so they will stand out if you have crazy colors and your house is a muted color palette. Just a thought.

CREDITS: The Crafted Sparrow Rebecca Lopez

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